Navigating Decision Fatigue: When to Act, Pause, or Seek Guidance

We’ve all been there—stuck in indecision, overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices we have to make, or just bogged down by brain fog. It’s a universal experience, many of my clients find their way to me when they’re stuck in indecision and I’ve been feeling it myself recently. Sometimes, it’s not just mental exhaustion but an underlying health issue, like hormonal imbalances, that makes decision-making feel impossible. Medication can also contribute to that sense of being stuck. Then there are times when we’re faced with decisions that just don’t feel aligned with us, and it’s because it’s not quite the right time to move. These moments are invitations to pause and listen, to wait a bit longer for the best possible opportunity to present itself.

But how do we know what’s really going on when we’re stuck in indecision? How do we discern whether it’s a health issue, decision fatigue, or simply not the right time to act?

Here’s what I recommend asking yourself when you find it hard to make decisions:

1. Are my hormones balanced?
Hormonal imbalances can seriously mess with your clarity. If you think this might be an issue, it’s worth checking in with your healthcare provider or functional medicine practitioner.

2. Am I sleep-deprived?
Lack of sleep is a major culprit for brain fog and poor decision-making. If you're not getting enough rest, that might be the first thing to address.

3. Could something I’ve eaten or a medication be affecting my clarity?
Sometimes, the foods we eat or medications we take can cloud our minds. If you think this is playing a role, consider making dietary adjustments or speaking to a healthcare professional about your medication.

If any of these resonate, I recommend tackling the physical causes of indecision first. Our intuition is powerful, but it’s hard to hear it when our body is off balance. After all, God gave us our bodies and our intuition for a reason—to work together.

When Decision Fatigue Sets In

If you realize you’re just overwhelmed by the number of decisions you’re making, it might be time for a decision detox. Yes, just like we detox from unhealthy foods, we can detox from decision-making too. When I found myself completely exhausted last week, I handed off decisions to my partner, David. He chose my meals at the restaurant, handled decisions with the kids, and I just flat-out told them, “Go ask Dad!” It was freeing.

In my business, I leaned back, made a few instinctive calls, and gave myself permission to trust my gut. This kind of detox doesn’t have to be forever, but sometimes stepping away from constant decision-making for a day, a week, or even just a few hours can help reset your mind.

Trust the Pause

Lastly, ask yourself this: “Do none of the options feel good to me?” If none of the available solutions resonate, maybe it’s a sign to wait. In those moments, it’s not about making the best of what’s in front of you but about giving yourself the grace to pause. Sometimes, the highest possible solution just hasn’t revealed itself yet.

I’ve even noticed this with simple things, like deciding what to eat. If I can’t make a decision, maybe my body is telling me to fast or just hydrate. We often overlook the wisdom of our own bodies in decision-making.

The Spiritual Gift of Pausing

Pausing is more than just a mental reset—it’s a sacred act of allowing. When we give ourselves permission to step back from decision-making, we create space for something bigger than us to enter. It’s in these moments of stillness that we can truly listen. By quieting the mind and taking a break from the constant flow of choices, we open ourselves up to divine guidance. Sometimes, that pause is exactly what we need to hear from our higher self, from God, our spirit guides, or the universe itself. It’s in the stillness that clarity emerges, often in ways we couldn’t have planned or predicted.

Spiritually, pausing allows us to surrender control and trust that the answers we seek will come when the time is right. We might be eager to move forward, but rushing through decisions can close us off from the best possible outcome. The pause is a powerful practice of faith—it’s saying, “I trust that what is meant for me will come.” In those moments, we’re reminded that we don’t have to have all the answers immediately. Sometimes the greatest wisdom lies in waiting, knowing that a better solution, or even a miracle, is unfolding just beyond what we can currently see.

When All Else Fails: Lean into Tools of Divination

And then, sometimes even the pause feels uncomfortable. We’re left doubting ourselves—doubting whether we’re hearing anything at all or questioning the clarity of our intuition. In these moments, I turn to the tools of divination to help me reconnect with my inner guidance and feel reassured. These tools help me tap into a deeper wisdom, whether it’s my angels, spirit guides, my higher self, goddess energy, or even God when I need that extra bit of clarity.

I always start by going straight to God in prayer and meditation. That’s my foundation. But there are times when I still need a little more reassurance, and that’s when I turn to my cards. Some of my favorites are the Heartpath Oracle, the Kali Oracle, and the Sacred Path Oracle. I might also use a trusted pendulum to guide me through yes/no questions, or I’ll turn to one of my personal favorite practices—Bibliomancy.

What’s Bibliomancy, you ask?
It’s an ancient practice where you take any book, hold your question in your heart, open the book to a random page, and allow your eyes to be drawn to the message meant for you. What I love about this is it works with any book. You can use the Bible if that’s what resonates with you, or you can pick up any book—fiction or non-fiction—and see what speaks to you. It’s truly magical how the right message always seems to find you when you’re open to it.

I even use these tools with my kids, and it’s so beautiful to watch them seek a little extra validation from their angels when they need it. These small acts of divination help us reconnect when we’re feeling lost in the noise of decision-making, and they remind us that we’re never truly alone in making our choices.

The Power of Pausing and Trusting

When you’re stuck in indecision, it’s a signal to slow down, check in with yourself, and create space for clarity to emerge. Whether it’s addressing physical imbalances, taking a decision-making detox, or trusting your intuition, giving yourself permission to pause can be a game-changer. These moments of stillness allow us to connect with the higher wisdom that’s always available to us—whether through our own inner knowing, guidance from spirit, or messages from the universe. It’s important to remember that when nothing feels quite right, it may simply be that the perfect answer hasn’t arrived yet, and waiting can be its own powerful action. When you combine the art of pausing with tools of divination, you give yourself the opportunity to receive deeper insights, reassurance, and alignment from the spirit world.

If you’re curious about how to tap into the spirit world for guidance and want to learn how to safely use tools of divination like oracle cards, pendulums, and bibliomancy, I invite you to join my upcoming shaman training. Together, we’ll dive into these practices and explore how to develop your intuition, connect with your guides, and trust the divine flow of life. This journey will help you deepen your spiritual connection and confidently navigate life's decisions with clarity and grace.


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