An Early Gift to Yourself: Permission to a Calmer, More Joyful Holiday

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As the holidays approach, our family is already feeling the familiar tug of lists, catalogs, and party invitations. One of my kids even made a Google slideshow detailing what each family member should get them this Christmas—clever, right? But along with the joy of these traditions, I feel my blood pressure start to rise as the demands and expectations stack up. So this year, I’m giving myself permission to do things differently, and I’m inviting you to do the same.

Every year, I have to check in with myself and get clear on what I truly want this season to feel like. And every year, it seems I need to do this check-in earlier and earlier. This year, it’s hitting me now, which is why I’m writing this—for you and me. Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves permission. Permission to do less. Permission to say no. Permission to do things differently. My intention with this blog post is to offer that permission—to encourage us to take a collective breath and create space for a holiday season filled with ease, joy, and the things that truly matter.

We know the true spirit of the holidays can be lost in the whirlwind of advertisements, social media, and a calendar packed with commitments. It’s all too easy to get swept into consumerism and forget what’s at the heart of this season: togetherness, simplicity, nostalgia, and cozy moments. So if you’re already feeling the holiday pressure, take a breath, and consider making this holiday season yours, one that brings you peace, joy, and presence.

Embrace Handcrafted Gifts as Expressions of Love

The spirit world often reminds me that gifts from the heart are more meaningful than anything store-bought. There’s something uniquely powerful about gifting a handmade item that you poured time, creativity, and love into—it radiates a warmth that no purchased gift can replicate. Making gifts doesn’t just save you from the hustle of shopping; it also gives you a moment of peace, creativity, and pride.

A few years back, I made fire cider with my daughter, Lark. We steeped it with love and intention for four weeks, creating a magical, medicinal elixir that’s now a holiday staple in our family. It wasn’t just about the gift itself—it was the process. We had so much fun together, and I was so proud of what we created. It became a sweet memory for us, something educational for her and deeply meaningful for me. Sharing it with our loved ones felt like gifting them a little piece of that love and care we poured into every bottle.

I’ve also made crocheted hats, printed and framed meaningful photos in beautiful frames, created cute custom natural soap bars, baked family-favorite recipes and wrapped them up beautifully as gifts. Each of these projects carried a special energy because they were rooted in my own creativity and joy.

Think about some of your favorite things—your signature recipe, a hobby you love, or a craft you’ve always wanted to try. What would you enjoy making or sharing with others? There’s something so fulfilling about putting your hands to work on something that comes from the heart. These gifts don’t just bless the recipient; they create lasting memories for you as the maker.

Savoring Time Together as the Ultimate Gift

The greatest gift of all, and the one we most often forget, is time together. The holidays offer rare pockets of free time, yet it’s so easy to fill these with errands, parties, and expectations. This is your holiday—what would you love for it to look like? Maybe it’s as simple as lounging around in cozy slippers, sipping cocoa, and spending slow mornings with family. Give yourself permission to let go of outside demands and create a season filled with exactly what your heart needs.

In our home, we’ve transformed Christmas gift-giving into a slower, more intentional ritual. Rather than giving all the presents on Christmas morning, we celebrate the “12 Days of Christmas” from Thanksgiving to Christmas, spreading out small gifts or experiences over weekends. It’s less overwhelming, extends the joy, and reminds us to stay present and grateful. Plus, it gives our blended family time to truly connect and enjoy these moments without the usual holiday rush.

At the end of the holiday season, we have a fun little quiz with the kids to see if they can remember all 12 days of Christmas gifts. It’s always a lively, heartwarming conversation as everyone tries to recall what they received—and who remembers the most! It fills us all up with so much gratitude, not just for the gifts but for the experiences and the time spent together. Moments like these remind us of what truly matters, and they make all the difference in creating a holiday season we cherish.

Manifesting the Holidays You Truly Desire

Don’t let go of your powerful manifesting and wish practices during the holiday season—this is when you have a lot of extra magic working in your favor. With the collective energy of giving, gratitude, and joy in the air, the universe is especially receptive to our intentions. The key is to get clear about what you desire, align your energy with it, and trust that it’s already on its way.

As you set your holiday intentions, watch out for contradictory wishes that might block your manifestations. Sometimes we unknowingly ask for opposing things, and the universe doesn’t know which direction to take! For example, a few years ago, I found myself torn about Christmas spending. On one hand, I didn’t want to spoil our kids—I wanted to focus on presence over presents. But at the same time, I couldn’t resist planning a big holiday splurge for them. The universe stepped in with a hard lesson: within days, both of our spending accounts were hacked and locked! It was as if the universe was saying, “Get clear about what you really want. You said you didn’t want to spoil those stinkers!”

Another example, you might wish for financial abundance but also feel guilt about spending money, which can create energetic roadblocks. Another common one is wanting to enjoy a calm, peaceful season while also cramming your calendar with every holiday event you’re invited to. It’s these subtle contradictions that can trip us up. This is why writing down your wishes is so helpful—it allows you to see where your intentions might be canceling each other out.

To make the most of this magical season, here are five key manifestation practices to amplify your holiday wishes:

1. Do Your Own Spin on Vision Boarding

You don’t have to create an elaborate vision board for your wishes to work their magic. Simply print out images or cut them from magazines and post them somewhere you’ll see them daily—your journal, a bulletin board, or even your refrigerator. This simple act is just as powerful, as it keeps your dreams present and alive in your mind.

2. Make a List, Check It Twice

Write down your holiday wishes in detail. Get specific, but also leave room for surprises! One of my favorite things to add to my wish list is simply, “Surprise me!” It’s a way of signaling to the universe that I’m open to receiving unexpected blessings.

3. Script Your Dreams

For bigger desires—like bringing your family closer together, deeper personal healing, or manifesting your dream home—take to your journal and write it out as if it’s already happening. Create a story of your life where all of these things are unfolding. Scripting is a powerful way to align your energy with your dreams and bring them to life.

4. Gratitude Every Day

As little surprises and blessings show up throughout the season, practice big gratitude! Thank your loved ones, thank the universe, and revel in the joy of what’s already here. Gratitude amplifies your manifesting power and invites even more good things into your life.

5. Create a Manifesting Ritual

Add some magic to your manifesting practice by creating a special ritual. Light a candle, sip some hot cocoa, and take 10 minutes each evening to visualize your holiday dreams. Close your eyes and imagine yourself feeling the joy and peace of having everything you desire. Anchor that feeling in your heart and trust it’s on its way. You can even make it a family activity—invite your kids to join in and share their dreams too.

Reassess What Matters Most and Follow Your Own Path

The holiday season is an invitation to pause and reflect on what truly matters to you. It’s a time to step back from the noise of expectations—those imposed by society, social media, or even your own habits—and create a celebration that feels authentic and meaningful.

Take a moment to consider your values and priorities. Which traditions light you up? Which ones feel like obligations? It’s okay to let go of the things that drain you and instead focus on what brings you joy, connection, and peace. This might mean blending cherished traditions with new ones that better align with your family and your heart.

Remember, there’s no “right” way to celebrate. If slowing down feels counterintuitive in the face of holiday hustle, lean into it anyway. Your kids, your partner, and even your own heart crave your time and presence more than anything else. Sometimes the simplest things—a game night, hot cocoa by the fire, or a walk under twinkling lights—are the moments that matter most.

And don’t forget those who might need a little extra love this season. Single friends or family members, neighbors who live alone, or someone going through a hard time will treasure a simple, heartfelt gesture. A quick call, a handwritten note, or an invitation to share in your cozy celebration can mean the world.

So, here’s an early gift to you: permission to take a deep breath, to do less, to let go of expectations that don’t serve you, and to embrace a holiday season filled with calm and joy. Let’s reclaim this time together, with the warmth and wonder it was meant to hold.

An Early Gift to Yourself: Permission to a Calmer, More Joyful Holiday. Wishing you all the peace, connection, and coziness this season can bring.

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