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Originally posted May 2, 2022

You may have felt on numerous occasions that you don’t belong here. You may have looked up at the starry sky one magnificently clear night and said out loud or in the back of your mind “I don’t belong here” or “I’m homesick”. 

Welllll, as much as you may be feeling that way… You are supposed to be here right now. 

Do you remember going to summer camp as a kid? Sleeping away from home for the first time? Do you remember ever being away from your parents or your home space and missing it? 

That’s what many of us are feeling here on earth. And as orbiting planets roll in closer, and we feel that plutonic pull toward what may very well be our home planets, or previous dwelling places… We will likely feel that sense of belonging elsewhere particularly strong right now. Not only are we feeling it, but our children are feeling it. Our animals are feeling it. There is a general sense of unrest sweeping through the planet (momentarily) followed be an immediate sense of urgency and dedication to our callings. 

You are here for a purpose. 

In recent days as I’ve felt the pull toward my ‘home’ stronger than ever, I’ve followed the guidance of our collective of unseen helpers in how we can take step by step action to find relief from what feels heavy and nearly unbearable. 

Here are a few tips from our Higher guides in navigating these gnarly planetary alignments and that feeling of wanting to return home:

You’re not from here but you are supposed to be here. 

It feels strange to say but please please take a moment in your meditation or journaling practice and actually ask the question: “ Why am I here?”. Write down the answers. Listen for what comes to you, even if it doesn’t make sense! If you are drawing a blank, try an exercise of writing down a list of 10 things that bring you the most joy. And ask yourself am I doing these things right now? When is the last time? It is quite possible that although it contradicts what the human world would have you believe that you’ve come here for… in fact it is your purpose (or one of many!). For example… You might hear in your head “making music playlists in Spotify”. And you might think “No, that can’t be right”. But what you might not know… Is that the right person at the right time, may find their lifeline in your playlist. It may give them just the activation they need to keep going in whatever their purpose is. So, my point is, whatever comes into your mind just write it down and trust it. And then do it. 

Find Your Joy… And Do It

To follow up to #1. You have no idea how critical your joy is to the successful rise in vibration of our planet. You lift up every person you touch with your joy. It’s that simple. The human world would have you believe that you must place your productivity as priority above all else… but that is counterintuitive to what this planet needs right now. What this planet needs right now is the elevated vibration of joy. Joy heals. Love heals. When we are in a state of joy, we radiate a frequency of love. Why? Because we begin to love life. And a love of life creates a respect for life. And a love and respect for life creates an elevated vibration that radiates far and wide. And at the moment, an elevated vibration will purify any energy of fear and hate that has moved in to cripple our collective consciousness. Please listen on this one. Prioritize your joy. Get outside. Go to lunch with a friend or colleague. Take a class that inspires you. Sing and dance. Go to bed early. Wake up late. Take a walk. Play a game you haven’t played in awhile. Redecorate your home. Play. 

Purify Your Home

Here’s the other thing very important to know if you’re feeling that itchy sense of not belonging. This world is dense. And the inside of your home is even denser. Inside of your home are objects, things, tvs, gadgets, heirlooms, items with memories and stories… all carrying vibrations of their own. When you are in your home you are feeling and sensing the vibration of every single thing in your home. Do your best to cleanse and purge your home of unwanted energy. Turn the media off. Yes, we all want to be informed. But at the present moment in time, as you’ve probably begun to witness, the media is only a partly reliable source of ‘information’. Find what parts of the media ring true and empower you, and discard the rest. Explore sources of media that fill you up and nurture you. Explore objects and items for the home that fill you up and nurture you. Do a gentle walk through your home and identify what doesn’t feel good at the moment. Buy a couple large clear plastic bins. Place those items in them and place those bins somewhere to revisit when you’re ready. Put them up for sale or free on Facebook Marketplace. For now just get them out! Consider inviting a non-attached third party friend or professional to help you purge. Beautify and purify your home. But also… Get Outside. 

Get Outside. 

Because of the dense vibrations in our homes and workplaces (many workplaces are currently filled with fear and resentment, sadness, desires of others to leave) , it is extremely critical that you take yourself outside periodically throughout the day to clear your own energy, to ground to the Higher vibration of the earth beneath you and to release any heavier vibes you might’ve picked up inside. Take some deep breaths, walk around a bit, explore, look up at the sky, soak in the sun… And say out loud or in your mind… THANK YOU! 

This can be just 5-10 minutes if that’s all you’ve got. It works like magic. Or medicine. It works like Magic Medicine ;)

The Children

Don’t forget the children! Many of my clients are mamas and aunties to very special little light people. They are struggling big time with these planetary shifts and you will notice that those big emotions we feel that we try to keep to ourselves: They are feeling them even bigger and don’t know HOW to keep it to themselves. And that’s because they’re not meant to. Please whatever you do, do not try to teach them to conceal their thoughts and emotions, but teach them that they are in charge of them!

Teach them how to visualize a golden lasso of light that they can cast out into the air to capture those bad thoughts that keep trying to creep into their minds. Teach them with their bodies even how to imagine moving their arms and hands in the air with a lasso motion and telling those thoughts out loud “GO AWAY!”. These little people are quite powerful and they need us to teach them how to use that power. Also supporting them through journaling, getting them outside, open discussion, lots and lots of hugs and snuggles and the healthiest diet you possible can… they will get through this!  If your little one is particularly struggling, I do offer kid sessions that can be booked right here. You are not in this alone. 

Stay Around High Vibe People

What if your own vibe is low? Don’t you worry about that… Your job is to gravitate toward higher vibe people and allow them to lift you up. Many of these higher vibe people are lightworkers who come equipped with a spirit team and resources to help lift you up. If you are uncomfortable in their presence, just keep affirming to yourself “I deserve to be here. I deserve to be here.” Because you do. And they know you do. And they are happy to support you. 

If you are a high vibe person feeling your own frequency dipping, than same goes to you. Surround yourself with other people who you know lift up your frequency. And don’t forget your meditation practice. That’s when those unseen friends of yours will show up to help lift you up too :) 

Don’t Forget Your Purpose

Make whatever strides you can in your business and mission right now. Tiny steps are rewarded greatly right now. I can’t tell you enough how important you falling into place with your purpose is at this moment in time on this planet according to the divine plan. Spirits asks you to think of us all like one GIANT army of light beings. Yes, you came here from another planet and we are here at the same time for a reason. We are here to make massive change. We are here to usher in the Age of Aquarius. We are here to collectively create heaven on earth. Like any army, we have to work together. One man falls back, several move back to catch them. Try to keep moving forward at all costs, even if it’s in tiny steps. We’ve got you.


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