10 Forms of Soul Medicine To Remember in 2023
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I’m sure you’ve seen the charts, that one of the top grossing industries in the US is the pharmaceutical industry… Which made me think two things: #1 - Am I in the wrong industry?! #2 - How do we move wellness up to the top?! This year, I’m making it my mission to help move wellness to the top and help you to make your wellness a top priority. No more waiting until we are sick or unwell to think about being well. Here forward I’m making it my mission to help you treat your wellness like you would any other form of service that will bring you huge rewards. Because when you are well, that is exactly what the universe brings to you: endless rewards.
When you are well, you are in flow, you shine bright, you attract love, your relationships are just plain good, you are abundant and open for more… more money, more love, more opportunities, more magic. When you are unwell, you are imbalanced, stressed, unhealthy, lacking… lacking money, lacking joy, lacking light, disconnected from the magic. Yes miracles can step in to the rescue (if you ask) but you honestly won’t see much magic flowing through your experience if you are unwell and disconnected from the vibration of magic. So let’s agree that it suits us all to be well and to be in flow with magic everyday.
Soul Medicine is a collection of practices and ‘ways’ of living that will keep you connected to the magic. You don’t have to do it on your own, we hold live group zooms to re-align every week, but here are 10 powerful forms of Soul Medicine for you to remember and practice to stay aligned and in flow with magic in 2023:
#1 - Nature Medicine
I tell so many clients to step outside, breathe the fresh air, walk along the earth with their bare feet, ground and release. And so many fail to realize (or believe!) just how powerful this medicine is and they dismiss the instructions. A most potent medicine for depression and anxiety, often times those who are suffering these conditions are also plagued by an unseen parasitic energy that is siphoning the small bits of energy that they have remaining. I’ve seen it many times and shared it many times and the medicine offered up by Spirit is commonly for them to go outside and soak up the sun and cast away any dark thoughts or energy. Not to say that you absolutely definitely have a parasitic energy attached if you are feeling depressed but whether you do or don’t the first line of medicine is the same… Get your tush outside! The sun is medicine. The earth’s soil is medicine. The wisdom of the trees is medicine. All you need is 15 minutes with this medicine to receive the benefits. Don’t wait until you are unwell, make it a regular part of your daily/weekly routines to maintain a natural continuous state of groundedness and inner harmony. Take daily walks, weekly hikes, go on a monthly adventure to a state park with beautiful trails. This year, make nature medicine a critical part of your wellness routine.
#2 - Salt Medicine
Ah sweet sweet magnesium. A gift of purification and detoxification. Our bodies naturally accumulate so much on our daily walks through life. Not only are we absorbing and accumulating actual toxins in the air we breathe, the foods and beverages we consume, the products we use on our bodies but we are accumulating emotional toxins, mental and spiritual toxins… It’s just the way of the world we live in now. And because of this, we desperately need to make it a regular practice of purifying our emotional, physical and spiritual fields.
There are so many ways to purify yourself and your space with the use of salt alone:
Himalayan Salt lamp • Salt bath/ Salt scrub • Magnesium Supplements • Salt Float/ Sensory Deprivation tank • Feng Shui salt water cure • Saltwater swim in the ocean
Make regular purification a part of your daily, weekly and monthly routine this year.
#3 - Water as Medicine
Every element of nature has medicine of its own, however water medicine is a medicine easily embraced everyday through regular daily practices and rituals. Adding intention to your water practices will increase the power of the medicine provided. Whether it’s a swim in the ocean or pool, a dip in a hot tub or ice bath, drinking a tall glass of mineral water or a meditation by your favorite body of water, the element of water will help you to energetically clear, balance and recenter yourself. This year, practice taking mindful showers. Set intentions before a bath or shower. Use visualization to add extra power. Imagine the water cleansing away negative or excess energy absorbed throughout the day, imagine the water soothing and balancing any physical discomforts in the body, imagine the water quieting the voices of the outside world. You can be as creative as you like and you will 100% feel the magic of the water when you’ve set intentions ahead of time.
#4 - Love Medicine
Single or partnered, love is another potent form of medicine. When you are battling chronic pain or illness a hug, a loving touch, a snuggle with a loved one can provide much needed comfort and relief. But let’s be preventative. Love itself can stave off illness, pain and depression. Schedule regular dates with friends and family and your partners. If you live far away from family, make seasonal plans to enjoy time together. Build ‘chosen’ family where you are by hosting get togethers and accept invitations when they are extended. Again, intention adds power, so when you decide to host or accept an invitation do so with gratitude and set intentions for your time with loved ones to be healing and to be filled with love and light.
#5 - Yoga Medicine
Noticing a theme of the power of intention? Infusing intention into movement invites the element of magic to move through our bodies. Whether its pain, illness, gastrointestinal, hormonal, emotional or other imbalance, sacred movement done with intention can help to provide incredible (and often times instant!) relief. Yoga functions on the physical emotional and spiritual level so with a good yoga practice you will find yourself experiencing relief not only in the physical but also in the mental. Some of my favorite yoga teachers to practice with on Youtube are Faith Hunter, Yoga with Adrienne, and Patrick Beach. If you feel called to this year, definitely consider participating in a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training in your area to gain a true and deep understanding of the 8 limbed practice of yoga.
#6 - Journal Medicine
Daily living can run us ragged and have our minds running at such a rate that we shut down from hearing the voice of our intuition, higher self and helping guides. Journaling opens us up. This year, adapt a regular practice of journaling to open up to gratitude, clarity, intuition, more balanced thoughts and emotions, and super duper powerful manifesting. If you don’t know where to begin, explore prompted journals, some of my favorites are the guided journals by the Happiness Planner company they can be found here.
#7 - Meditation Medicine
Literally 5 minutes is all you need. Ideally if you can take 10-15 minutes you will be giving more time for the medicine to flow through, but if 5 is all you’ve got then that will do. Think of meditation like a hard reset to your system. Like turning your ignition off before you plug back in. Think of yourself as unplugging from all the static noise and energy of the world around, going quiet for a moment, then rebooting. You know what happens when we leave our cars and computers running too long without shutting off? The batteries die. Your mind is just not as sharp when you don’t give it a rest. Nighttime sleep is great but guess what, if you’re not meditating in the day than your mind is actually quite active at night trying to resolve all the sh*t in your subconscious from the day. The system is still running! So please, take an intentional shut-off in the morning or midday. You’ll gain more clarity, detach from unnecessary stressors, gain energy, feel more balanced and at peace and so much more. Bonus: When you meditate, your higher self, God, your angels and guides are able to drop some wisdom on you. Why not create that space?! Track and celebrate your meditation practice this year with the Insight Timer app.
#8 - Breathwork Medicine
Soooo many humans are struggling with anxiety today, that has become a true epidemic. And there is a free and underutilized form of medicine moving through you right now… Your breath. Even as you read this, will you do me a favor and just give your breath your full attention? Take a giant breath in and notice your heart expanding. Your heart expands with your breath. Let’s think about this metaphysically for just a moment (there are lots of studies on the physiological benefits of breathwork if you simply search it)... Metaphysically when you open up your energetic pathways in your body, you are allowing for stuck energy to become unstuck. Stuck mindsets, stuck pain, stuck emotional upsets, stuck disappointments, stuck inherited limiting beliefs… You're allowing it to get moving on out. So when you’re tuning in for breathwork, yes consider the physical benefits, but this year I’m asking you to be intentional with your breath and give it permission to carry EVERYTHING that’s no longer serving you right on out of your body. Will you give it a try?
#9 - Moon Medicine
There are natural magnetic cycles flowing in sync with the moon and if you allow yourself to sync up and be intentional with your daily and weekly habits and rituals, you will find yourself opening up to a magic like never before. The moon guides us through emotional releases, rebalancing, recentering, physical and energetic purges, and empowers us. We women bleed and flow with the moon when we are in sync, but men will also notice subtle shifts in their moods and energy levels in alignment with the moon cycles. This year embrace the cycles of each moon. There are plenty of moon guides available online but a classic fun and also practical tool for following the moon cycles is the Farmers Almanac. You will find that the great and wise creators of the farmers' almanac yearly guide us not only when to plant and water our seeds (physical and energetic), but when to cut our hair for growth, when to commit and when to avoid certain contracts… and so much more!
#10 - Soul Medicine
Soul Medicine encapsulates it all. Daily reminders to do all of the above through my Daily Dose of Soul Medicine text messages. (Text SoulMed to (302)309-0906 to subscribe now!) Weekly reminders and deep dives into the work of shamanic journey, meditation, past life healing, ancestral healing… Sometimes throughout our days, weeks months and years we are thrown off of our game by unknown and unexpected triggers. Soul Medicine provides a platform to dig in and pull the roots of these triggers, examine and grow from them and release ourselves from old patterns. Soul Medicine frees us.
Join the Soul Medicine program this year to keep yourself balanced, navigate big transitions and breakthroughs with grace, find peace and relief right when you need it and most importantly to stay aligned with the magic.
This year, 2023, I’m wishing you freedom. I’m wishing for you to disconnect from anything that makes you unwell, and to find and embrace the Medicine that aligns you with the magic on offer for you.
In a nutshell… I’m a contemporary shaman! I work as an intermediary between ‘us’ and the spirit world, I’ve trained with some of our greatest spiritual teachers and I’m excited to share with you the tools, resources and direct channeled messages from the Divine that helped me heal my heart and find my way through some of my hardest transitions.
Through abandonment, loss, pain, illness, divorce, grief… I’ve come out on top. I’ve helped hundreds of women find their power, tap into their magic and Rise through transitions with grace and I’m here to help you.
Get my free Transcendent Transitions Toolkit here.